[[ROAD TO EDEN 攻略 wiki]]
* 序盤の進め方 How to proceed early [#qb249ac2]

--Walk slowly around and pick up stones, logs and wood sticks.
If you stay in the area for a long time, you will be spawned and will not run and move.
Explore and pick up items in cars and homes.
Make a stone ax and hit the root of a small bush (light green or yellow) to remove the bush.
Process bush into string.
string + wood stick + stone = pickle
Stone + wood stick = stone ax
-Drop the helicopter, go to get the BOX. Many have guns.
-Beginner tutorial. Make a stone ax.(SUKIYAKI YOUTUBE)

-Beginner tutorial. Make a stone pickle.(SUKIYAKI YOUTUBE)

--Pickle removes stones from rocks.
--With an ax, you can get logs, wood sticks, bamboo, bushes.
--Make a bonfire. There are six storages inside, so keep your luggage.

---Put a match or lighter in the bonfire, turn on a log, turn on the switch and the fire will start. Bake the meat. Boiling water. Wood stick + corn = corn stick.
--Take bamboo with an ax. Make a small bamboo box. Put in your luggage.
*序盤2 [#p665af4b]
--Equipped with a hot bar, MAP on 7, bandage on 8, binoculars on 9, grenade on 0.
--Explore and collect items.
--A little further away, there is a strong infection.
Do not go too far until you have a weapon.
At the beginning, the safety zone is above the car.
*ベース基地を作る。Build a base. [#re1b5eb5]
--Explore homes, read books, increase craft.
Look for a place without trees and grass on a flat ground and build a house.
*[[月額900円(税抜)から、高速・多機能・高安定レンタルサーバー『エックスサーバー』>https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3B9AIW+C210S2+CO4+60OXE]] [#qcdbd507]
*[[欲しいと思ったらすぐ買える!楽天市場は24時間営業中>http://rpx.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3B9AIT+BLCVUA+2HOM+6DJW2&rakuten=y&a8ejpredirect=http%3A%2F%2Fhb.afl.rakuten.co.jp%2Fhgc%2F0ea62065.34400275.0ea62066.204f04c0%2Fa20030770303_3B9AIT_BLCVUA_2HOM_6DJW2%3Fpc%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.rakuten.co.jp%252F%26m%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fm.rakuten.co.jp%252F]] [#cc99d2e3]

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